Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Taxes and Common Good

Warren Buffet made his remarks on the wealthy and taxation in the U.S. A Franciscan Brother recently offered his reflection, generously quoting from Mr. Buffet's NYT op-ed. For example, Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M., notes:
One thing that is often overlooked in discussions about tax rates and personal wealth is who the mouthpieces are for a given position. Disturbingly, the ground swell of support for freezing, if not lowering, taxes in this country come from self-monikered “tea partiers,” most of whom are working and middle-class Americans. One doesn’t find the New York Park-Avenue super-wealthy dressed up in eighteenth-century colonial attire on the National Mall protesting anything. Why? Because, truthfully, as Buffett bravely notes with honesty in his piece, whether his tax rate was 10% or 50% he would still make millions and billions of dollars. The super wealthy have no need to be concerned.
Shortly the author's asks: ". . .where does one draw the line between necessity and gratuity, between security and selfishness, between honesty and greed?" Read Brother Horan's entire reflection.
Wiki-image of a dollar sign is in the public domain.

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