Father Darwen's contributes to the online British journal, Thinking Faith.
Wiki-image of St. Ignatius of Loyola is in the public domain.
St. Ignatius of Loyola learned to find fruit, that is, the effect or consequence of action. More important than our actions is the action of God in, with and for humans. One grows to find fruit and to offer it the more one savors one's own life and all creation. I hope my posts help you feel that finding fruit is a profitable way of living.
the construction of a vibrant Catholic sub-culture, more inclined to push back against Canada's prevailing secular consensus.At the level of senior leadership, the transformation has been remarkably rapid. Of Canada's 18 archdioceses, 12 are now led by bishops appointed since Italian Archbishop Luigi Ventura, the current Apostolic Nuncio, arrived in 2001. Seven of those new bishops were appointed or installed in 2007 alone. (The real number is actually eight, since Archbishop Michael Miller was also named coadjutor in Vancouver that year, and should take over in relatively short order.) The impact has been especially noticeable among the country's English-speaking bishops, with additional appointments in Quebec likely in the next few years.
This column Mr. Allen posted on the last Friday in May 2008.
the most sensitive jobs in the Holy See under Benedict XVI are generally going to "affirmative orthodoxy" personalities. In the end, I suspect this will be remembered as a defining feature of Benedict's papacy -- his intriguing way of blending the bitter with the sweet, of combining doctrinal clarity with personal dolcezza.His most recent appointment filled the vacancy of the top doctrinal Vatican position. The pope name Jesuit Fr. Luis Ladaria, a Spaniard, as secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
a sampling of what I heard about Ladaria from various sources, some of them fellow Jesuits, some fellow theologians, and some Vatican personnel who've had dealings with Ladaria. The comments span the spectrum of theological positions, cultures, and languages.
Is your inmost self starved for quiet? Ask Jesus to anoint you with his peace. Do you desire everything or unnecessary things? Ask Jesus to reveal to you what will increase your desire for his life for you. Do you allow fleeting things to shape you? Learn from Jesus his timeless gift he offers you to transform you and make you his disciple.Close by saying slowly that prayer Jesus taught us, which binds us closer to him not with chains but with a pattern of freedom--his freedom, faith’s freedom, in order to walk with him and learn him.