Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Need For Therapy Can Arise Anytime

Tuesday's Cleveland Plain Dealer offered an easily overlooked article in its Health Section. "How to know when a therapist can help you" reminds that somethings or events can cause us to seek help to put things in perspective. Otherwise things or events can victimize us.

The brief article also lists seven things people might notice in their lives, their behavior or both that may control their lives. Each of the seven is a moment when a therapist may be of help.

In these days of more sunlight during longer days, people may expect to feel brighter. These seven items encourage us to know that at times we cannot feel brighter on our own. "Truth is," columnist Diane Suchetka wrote, " some problems need a pro."

"How to know when a therapist can help you" reminds that help exists to cooperate with us and brighten our futures. Pass it on!
Wiki-image of Oliverhold's Clouds-2007 is used according to Creative Commons Attribution 3.o Unported license.

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