Friday, April 04, 2014

Everyone Is Fed

The Easter homily attributed to St. John Chrysostom emphatically welcomes all to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus: “Whoever may be spent by fasting, enjoy now your reward. …[yet] If any of you have arrived even at the eleventh hour, do not be dismayed for being late them not fear on account of tardiness.” [Video of full homily] Such hope for latecomers!

For any starting Lent late, Jesuit Nicholas King recently noted that the “strength of fasting [helps avoid the] danger of drifting into putting that at the centre of our lives which is not God, and some kind of postponement (or even cancellation) of satisfaction can be a powerful statement of who and what our God really is.”
Wiki-mage by Thomas Bresson of crescent moon CC BY 2.0

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