34th Tuesday B(28 Nov 2006) Rv 14. 14-19; Ps 96; Lk 21. 5-11 [read them all here]
Homily of Fr. Paul Panaretos, S.J.
Present Before Future
Those of us who were able to attend Mass yesterday recall we heard the four verses about the woman putting into the temple treasury two small coins. Jesus didn’t miss her action, com-menting that she offered her whole livelihood.
Immediately after her offering follows today’s gospel. It suggests that Jesus may have been the only one to observe her because the awesome costly stones and votive offerings distracted visitors to the temple, including some of the disciples present with Jesus. Here is a lesson on how to live each day as Christians.
Our King Jesus will come one day to judge the earth as we echoed together in during the responsorial psalm. Of course, as Jesus said, “no one know the day or the hour,” but few people have taken Jesus at his word. If we take Jesus at his word, as I believe we are wise to do, Jesus suggests we focus more on the present.
The saying, Today is the only day I have, helps us appreciate focusing on the present. That saying is also in tune with how Christians best live their lives. The deepest hopes of people do not correlate with calendars; they correlate with God’s intentions and God’s desires for creation. Calendars are our inventions and helpful tools; calendars are not God’s intentions and desires for creation.
To keep before us God’s intentions and God’s desires helps us focus on how to live best our lives now as Jesus’ friends and disciples. To offer our lives does not necessarily mean giving ’til it hurts. The woman gave her two coins freely. To offer our lives means to live in ways that will make us worthy to be a fruitful harvest whenever Jesus’ harvest-day may be.
Photo by Clive Power
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