Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Talk

The work was necessary and temporary. One essential worker felt embarrassed not to distance 6 feet routinely. After the work was completed physical distance felt prudent. Staying home and limiting contact does limit Coronavirus infections. [Watch this 1-minute BBC video.]

Everyone is not staying home. It is difficult to change routine abruptly. Yet we willingly change for serious reasons. If I know someone who doesn't stay home? Registering concern and asking questions is wise. Convincing usually makes a person less willing.

Catholic social teaching reminds that human dignity and solidarity undergird believers’ concern and the questions they pose. In America Magazine Julie Hanlon Rubio counselled “not to alienate people but to find ways to reach them, as quickly as possible.”
Wiki-image Lending an Ear by “Alex Proimos | CC BY 2.0"

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