Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Not Without Thought. . .

...was the following posted. A number that only recently is given attention is the number who recover from Covid. The numbers of cases (new and ongoing) and of deaths seemed to make the future abysmally dark.

Covid remains very serious for people at higher risk (also: Who is at risk of…severe illness?) and because no vaccine as yet exists to prevent disease in everyone. Reinfection is unlikely, but to date that is based on behaviour of viruses (See Question1 here). 

Parents in Michigan got infected after their son returned from abroad. The son did not know he carried the virus until he was sick. The family wrote their story to help others overcome the stigma attached to the disease and to let people know that recovery is possible. They also recommend people stay home. Their reasons for writing are the reasons their story is posted here.
Wikimage Lilac-breasted roller (Coracias caudatus) by "Diego Delso / CC BY-SA 4.0"

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