Fr. Henriot concluded his reflection with three questions. He called them his "shouts." He had met some Zambians at a meeting in South Africa, and they asked him,
"Put Zambia's problems in context and shout about Zimbabwe's problems,"...If a neighbor to Zimbabwe pleaded that, then the problems of the U.S. in 2008 pale by comparison! God bless everyone in 2009!
My friends are Zimbabweans, very nationalistic; very patriotic; working for social needs of the people in church-related institutions. They can't be accused of being British lackeys!
Well, I was deeply moved by what they told me and so here are a few of my shouts. I ask you to hear these shouts and then yourselves ask the same questions I will ask at the end of this column.
Wiki-image of flag map of Zimbabwe is in the public domain.
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