33d Sunday of the Year A
Prv 31. 10-13,19-20,30-31; Ps 128; 1Thl 5. 1-6,8; Mt 25. 14-30
Homily of Fr. Paul Panaretos, S.J.
Our Primary Colors
The way they make it sound scares you half to death.” Some conversations never fade into the background. My mother wasn’t talking about the return of our Lord Jesus. Jesus described his second coming like a thief in the night to emphasize that no one knew when; and like labor pains upon a pregnant woman to emphasize his return is inevitable. St. Paul handed on this teaching of Jesus to the Thessalonians and to his other churches.Prv 31. 10-13,19-20,30-31; Ps 128; 1Thl 5. 1-6,8; Mt 25. 14-30
Homily of Fr. Paul Panaretos, S.J.
Our Primary Colors
In its own words: “The Department of Homeland Security would translate analysis into action in the shortest possible time,” actions for the safety of the largest numbers of citizens.
Those alerts urged our vigilance with language, not just colors. One I recall used dire language: “Sources suggest al-Qaida may favor spectacular attacks [with] High symbolic value, mass casualties, severe damage to the U.S. economy and maximum psychological trauma.”
That and other security alerts told us to be vigilant, but did they tell us how? The alerts warned something may happen yet remained vague. Remembering them helped me notice that Jesus was not vague; h was very concrete.
Nearing Jerusalem where he would be crucified at the end of his ministry, Jesus encouraged his disciples to remain vigilant. They had been seeking the Messiah, but none expected theirs to be a crucified Messiah. Jesus had particular reason to encourage vigilance and to nourish fragile hope.
From the first covenant with Abraham, God desired people and their active love. God’s desire for us was so fiercely passionate that God died for us in Jesus. People need to hear that good news. From that first covenant and its numerous renewals urged by prophets and sages from Noah to Jesus, vigilance remained one of its most important textures.
Vigilant service marked covenant love with God. God desires we put to use our skills in daily living as the parable of the three servants put in charge of their absent master’s estate made clear. Faithful use of one’s gifts paves the way to participation in the fullness of the life of the kingdom of heaven.
Our covenant-vigilance, urged by prophets, sages, faithful folks and, above all, Jesus, is in no way vague. St. Paul transformed an image of security from his own time: let us be watchful, putting on the breastplate of faith and the love and the helmet that is hope for salvation. Faith, hope and love remain the primary colors of covenant vigilance. Faith, hope and love allow us to serve Jesus by our care for others. Faith, hope and love shape our Christian lives in specific, concrete ways.
In your daily 15 minutes with Jesus this week, become aware of the Trinitys faithfully keeping you alive at each moment. Ask St. Paul to present you to Jesus. Speak with Jesus in your words about how you are alert to Jesus and to living his gospel. Ask Jesus for the grace to walk in his ways more readily and desire to do so. Close, saying slowly the Lord’s Prayer, which guides us to practice our faith, love and hope ever more concretely each day.
Wiki-image of Christ as the Sun is in the public domain. Wiki-image of a Memorial in Rotterdam by Danja Vasiliev is used according to the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license.
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