Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wednesday word

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Grs 7 & 8 (13 Dec 2006) Lk 15. 3-7
Homily of Fr. Paul Panaretos, S.J.

Jesus told story-parables, like the one we just heard, to help us get our minds around the unbelievable gift of his kingdom of peace, God’s peace. God’s peace leaves God’s finger-prints on our deep, true selves. One of those fingerprints of God is forgiving. A second fingerprint of God is being forgiven.

Because we’re human we don’t always act as Jesus’ friends. We hurt others. Others hurt us. We need to receive forgiveness, and we need to forgive each other.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation allows us to be forgiven. Receiving Jesus’ forgiveness helps us show to others Jesus’ forgiveness we receive. As the prayer Jesus taught us, the Lord’s Prayer, reminds us being forgiven and giving forgiveness belong together.

This Sacrament of Reconciliation is good to do monthly. It is here whenever we need it. This sacrament is a great preparation to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, who is our forgiveness and our model for living each day.

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